Friday, July 02, 2004

Too few, the many...

Can you hear them? The sweet morning creatures that sing with the joy of children. Birdsong... Not since I lived in Maryland have I heard such lovely sounds. Northern California didn't seem to have these sweet sounding birds. With the Tranquility CD playing softly, all night long, I'm wondering if I will now make it to bed, and rest, or dream.

The passion I've re-kindled for my life, now keeps me up most nights. I have so much to say, and feel, and express. It's not so much for others, though I do want to contribute to this global transformation. I feel the depths of my own being evolving as I endeavor with each work of art, each email, each website I build, each walk on the beach.

Connecting with people is perhaps where just as many peak experiences happen. The dynamic synergy of sympathetic resonance is so exhilariting. When we gather together, I re-discover the vistas I've found in my soul, during my solitary quests. The shades of light and dark sculpt my technicolor existence. The weary lapses of adequate stimulation are no match for the brillance of the dawning consciousness that shines ever brighter.

I've started the Music Club. Teach voice. Write screenplays, songs, books, letters, and web copy. I phone family and friends. Each moment brings so much meaning. Guided by the wisdom which is inherent in each moment, for I seek it out, my heart is calm, my mind peaceful, and my soul more alive. There are few truths, but those that exist, seem eternal and infinite.